Missionaries is the religious congregation opereting world wide. The
congregation was named after its founder, St. Daniel Comboni. Our postulantcy
is currently located in Jinja. The community is at present composed of eighteen members two priests- Frs. Anthony and Patrick- and sixteen postulants. We
humbly serve one another and our entire community; with enormous enthusiasm and
love as our community chatter states that: “The humble service for our
community.” The postulants are all Ugandan coming from various region mainly
Western, Central, Eastern and Nothern. We are all joined in a spirit of mutual
sharing and love for each other. This can be witnessed in events like
celebrating our various cultures once a year where interraction is possible.
This makes us also learn to appreciate and recognise values in each other’s
culture. We show a sign of togetherness
in various sports especially football and volleyball We strengthen our
relationship with other communities by inviting them for sports and various
celebrations in the house.
The community’s
central focuss is grooming the postulants for better leaders and ressponsible
individual in the future. We try to enforce this by assigning responsibilities
to every individual where he can acquire leadership skill. Open discussion in
chatechesis equips postulants with life skills to enable us act and behave
maturely. Since we are all being shaped to be good leaders, creating a
condition for frienship is the duty of every postulant. We still remain focuss
to cultivate and achieve our primary aim of formation with relentless zeal,
trying to encourage one another and learn from the other.
Mccj Had Been My Home Of Formation, Where I Got Leadership Skills, Good Morals, Humility, And Courage. I Remember My Formators: Fr Velero And Fr Maku. I Give Thanks To Them May God Bless Them In Their Services.